Child Abuse

Characteristics of Child Abuse



Characteristics of a child who has been abused



Identifying an abused child


            Common mistakes for abuse

·         Car seat burns

·         Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

·         Chickenpox (sometimes thought to be cigarette burns)

·         Hematological disorders (causes of easy bruising)


Physical Examination

·         Burns and Scalds – these burns generally tend to be in certain locations such as the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, back or buttocks.

·         Fractures – sites of fractures, which is the second most common form of child abuse, include the skull, nose, facial structures and upper extremities. Children rarely have accidental rib fractures and should therefore cause a high index of suspicion for abuse.

·         Head Injuries – Scalp wounds, skull fractures, subdural hematomas and repeated contusions are head injuries commonly found in abused children.

·         Shaken Baby Syndrome – When a parent or caretaker gets frustrated with a crying infant and shakes them subdural hematomas or diffuse swelling can occur and lead to permanent brain damage, or death.

·        Abdominal Injuries – Pain, swelling and vomiting may be a sign of abdominal injuries in an abused child. This sort of injury occurs in a small portion of abuse cases, but is generally very serious.


Signs of Neglect

·         Malnutrition

·         Severe diaper rash

·         Diarrhea and/or dehydration

·         Hair loss

·         Untreated medical conditions

·         Dirty clothing or lack of clothing

·         Listless attitudes

·         Near constant demands for physical contact or attention


Signs of emotional abuse

·         Parents/caregiver ignore the child and their needs

·         Parents/caregiver reject, humiliate or criticize the child

·         Isolating the child from normal human contact or nurturing

·         Feelings of fear and anxiety due to being terrorized or bullied through verbal assaults and threats

·         Encouragement for destructive or antisocial behavior

·         Overpressure by unrealistic expectations of success


Reporting and Recording Child Abuse


As an EMS provider, it is our responsibility to report suspected cases of child abuse. Early interventions may be available and the warning signs should be noted carefully. When dealing with an abused child, conduct the examination with a partner present. Keep all reactions to yourself and record only personal observations. The final document should be objective and legible. Keep in mind that this document may be used in court or in a child custody case.